Get FREE School Equipment with Tools For Schools!

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E-mail address:
[email protected]

Telephone Number:
1-800-635-5066 Ext. 655

2024 - 2025


Tools For Schools FAQ

Advantage Card


Tools For Schools

  • What is the Tools for Schools Program?
    When you sign-up for the Tools for Schools program and make purchases using your Ingles Advantage Card, Ingles will give back to the schools a portion of the total sales to be used by the schools to purchase computers and school supplies
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  • How do I sign-up for Tools for Schools?
    You may sign up at your local Ingles store, at participating schools, or at Ingles web site. Simply fill out a Tools for Schools application. It's that simple. The sign-up is a one-time process that will take place at the beginning of each school year. The school that is chosen is linked to your Ingles Advantage Card until the following May. You must re-enroll your Ingles Advantage Card at the beginning of each school year. Ingles will maintain a cumulative total for the selected school (limit 1 school per household) and will provide the reward to the school on the pay out period date.
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  • What purchases qualify for Tools for Schools?
    All purchases made using the Ingles Advantage Card qualify unless prohibited by law.
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  • How do I know the school's code number?
    Schools will communicate the number to you through PTA meetings, newsletters, etc. OR a list of schools signed up to participate in your store's market area will be available at the customer service desk. Schools that are not registered should contact Ingles Tools for Schools coordinator at 1-800-635-5066 ext. 655 for a registration form.
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  • How do I find out what the school earned?
    Dollar amonts are updated at the end of every month during the school year at Check the coordinators guide for posting dates!
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Advantage Card