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Treasure Basket Explorations: Heuristic Learning for Infants and Toddlers

Treasure Basket Explorations: Heuristic Learning for Infants and Toddlers
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Status:In Stock
Item Number:74131


For the littlest learners, everything is an activity--feeling a rock, trying to lick a bubble, smelling a flower, or poking sand. In this book, teachers and caregivers of infants and toddlers will learn how these simple explorations support cognitive and vocabulary development. The book explains heuristic learning--discovery by trial and error--and how to encourage this type of learning to boost development. Through his explorations, the child is answering some fundamental questions: What is this and what can I do with it? Later, he will add to his knowledge: What else can this do and what can this become? This is cognitive development in action! Age focus: 0-3. Paperback. 80 pages.

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